Internet Search Engines
In this module we will be learning more about internet search engines, including everyone’s favorite, Google. Although Google dominates the internet search world, and it can be an excellent tool to use, it is not the only search engine out there. We ask you to look more closely at some of the problems with Google, and explore some alternatives to Google as your only search engine.
This module contains the following:
- “What Google Search Isn’t Showing You” (reading)
- “Just Google It” (video)
- Search Engines Worksheet (8 points)
- Reflective Blog Post (2 points)
What Google Search Isn’t Showing You
Read the following brief article from The New Yorker magazine: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/what-google-search-isnt-showing-you
Full MLA citation for the article:
Chayka, Kyle. “What Google Search Isn’t Showing You.” The New Yorker, 10 Mar. 2022, https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/what-google-search-isnt-showing-you. Accessed 25 Mar. 2022.
Just Google It
Watch this brief clip (~4 minutes) from Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble’s talk. Her book, Algorithms of Oppression is available as an e-book from the New York Public Library if you’re interested to read more (or you can watch the rest of her talk on YouTube).
The video will keep playing, but you can stop watching at 19:26 after her comments about the academic vs. advertising perspective on Google.
Search Engines Activity (8 points)
Create your own copy of the following worksheet on your device, on Microsoft Office 365 online, or anywhere you save your documents. Type you answers directly into the document.
Brief Reflection (2 points)
Write a brief reflection post responding to the following prompt:
Reflect back on the reading, the video, and the search engine activity. Describe anything from this module that surprised you or introduced something new to your approach to internet searching. What is one thing that frustrated you about the work for this module, or that you did not find useful? What is one new thing you will try moving forward?
*Note to instructors: we had students create a post on our website, but this could easily translate to other formats such as Padlet, Jamboard, etc.